I sat down with Casey Thuot, a senior Business Administration major with a minor in Communication Studies, this past week to discuss his trip to Australia during spring break last year. Casey was able to offer a wide range of tips from his perspective. Traveling abroad can be scary for many people as they are traveling to a place that is nothing like their hometown/home country. Sometimes, people are not able to find a travel partner. It is perfectly normal to travel alone. Casey traveled across the globe alone. He gave many tips on how to entertain yourself on the plane and what to do once you get to that country. Along with travel tips, he offered his ideal way of spending money. Casey suggests creating a budget and sticking to that budget. When on that budget, plan some money to buy gifts, good food, and fun experiences! Casey suggests that if you plan a budget, the trip can be cheaper as you have already allocated money for certain things. All in all, travelling abroad does not have to be as expensive as you think it is. If you have the right tactics, you can save yourself a lot of money.
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